David Greenwood

Production Manager

David headshot

David Greenwood

'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.' – Maya Angelou

Fun Facts

Being typically British, David's quite partial to a mug of tea or two and the odd chocolate biscuit. This can’t be any old tea bag, though. It has to be the highly recommended Yorkshire Tea. Having an adventurous personality, he has always enjoyed the thrill of adrenaline. In his youthful years, he took part in a number of Bungee jumps and skydives and his favourite activity was cage diving with Great White sharks. He liked getting so close that he could almost touch them.

Happy Places

David and his wife Gemma have always enjoyed exploring and have been able to travel to many destinations over the years. Their recent getaway saw them visit Fiji and its islands. They are hopeful of visiting their family in the UK for future trips. David is an active person so when he's not climbing trees, he is usually encouraging friends to spend a little time in some healthy competition. Remembering to keep the advice that he once heard - never suggest a game you can’t win.


David has a passion for learning and so he spends a lot of his down-time either reading or researching. David and Gemma are currently building their first home, which has been an exciting endeavour and has required a lot of research. He never thought he would see the day where he would spend two hours discussing what colour bathroom tile they would like. Clay Tawny, if you were wondering.

If David could be a tree, what would he be and why?

A Christmas tree because he would be warm and toasty inside, someone dresses him and puts presents at his feet. Why would you be anything else?

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