Susanne Quilliam

Administration & Community Engagement

Susanne Headshot

Susanne Quilliam

'What I do today is very important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.' – Heartsill Wilson

Fun Facts

Susanne loves exploring the world around her. Her adventurous spirit has taken her zip-lining between mountains in Canada at 140 km per hour. This 'grannie' can look very brave and cool indeed, however, for balance in character, Susanne is very much a practical, 'feet-on-the-ground' kind of person. Her favourite food is tinned mackerel – yum! The experience of living in Papua New Guinea as a family of five and literally walking barefooted in the jungle for a couple of years, taught her to strip away the 'can't do' in her life and realise that we 'can do' incredible things together.

Happy Places

Susanne loves spending time with her best friend (hubby), working on building projects and also restoring things.  She enjoys being creative and exploring earthy crafts that use materials like stone, timber and bark.  Her long-term focus is to learn how to weave on a table and floor loom and incorporate natural and recycled materials into rugs, hangings and clothing. Strolling around country towns and surrounding areas, exploring local features, walks, waterfalls, rivers and mountain areas bring her great joy as well.


Susanne’s grandchildren make her come alive. She desires to see her children and hubby being all that they want to be while they explore the depths of their gifting and abilities. Susanne is passionate about creating spaces of beauty and functionality. Streamlining processes is also one of her natural strengths, as she loves to make anything simpler, better, and more fantastic.

If Susanne could be a tree or plant, what would she be and why?

A weeping willow tree, with its gentle overhanging canopy that dangles delicately on the side of a riverbank, so that people can sit quietly in its shade, while watching the water drift by just below their feet.

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