Thomas Lancaster

Site Supervisor

Thomas headshot

Thomas Lancaster

‘Valour is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.’ – Michel de Montaigne

Fun Facts

Tom has a knack for remembering names and random details of places, and working out the best route to get to places of interest. Add his love for nature and being in the great outdoors, and you've got someone who enjoys orienteering. For many years, Tom was involved as a youth leader at his local church, and played an active part in the Southern Cross Kids' Camps – a camp that creates happy memories for children who have experienced abuse, neglect and abandonment.

Happy Places

Tom enjoys beach time, bike riding, bushwalking in nature, and spending time with family.


Tom is a people-orientated person, who loves to invest quality time into his family and friends. Place Tom in nature and give him the opportunity to train and help others, and he comes alive.

If Tom could be a tree or plant, what would he be and why?

An orange tree because to Tom, it’s the sort of tree that would gather people together, to share in its sweet, fibrous and pleasant fruit. The orange tree lives for a very long time and is said to symbolise stability, strength, generosity and wisdom, just to name a few meanings. The orange fruit is incredibly versatile – you can create a cool and refreshing drink by juicing it, infuse its fragrance and flavour into sweet and savoury food, create cleaning products or soaps from it and it contains many health benefits.

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